Selasa, 01 Agustus 2023

ETERNAL REST (Interview)

Movement Zine: Excuse me, introduce me from the Movement Zine Indonesia. I'm interested in Eternal Rest from Leeds,UK. Because your music is like my favorite music, which is about the H8000 Belgian. Introduce yourself and your personnel.

Eternal Rest: I’m Jono and I do vocals in the band, other members are Adam and Dan on Guitar/Bass who play with me in another band called Killing Me Softly and then Ryan is our drummer who also plays in some other bands called Bloodfury and Spit.

Movement ZineWas the EP Angels in A Garden of Scarlet your first EP album?

Eternal Rest: Yeah it’s our debut, it was pretty delayed in coming out so there should hopefully be more music out this year at some point. Really wanting to do a split as well.

Movement ZineDo you also have the same influence, namely the H8000 Belgian?

Eternal RestH8000 was a super large part of the inspiration for the sound and the image as well. That era of hardcore just had everything perfected. There’s other bands as well that we love such as Arkangel and Avenged Sevenfold which is where we got the band name from. We want to incorporate some other influences in the future as well like Kickback and All Out War. 

Movement ZineDo you have a label or are you independent?

Eternal RestWe are on The Coming Strife Records based in the UK. One man operating label constantly putting out good releases. Well worth going through the discography and supporting them.

Movement Zine: Is there any future Tour information for Eternal Rest?

Eternal RestNothing planned at the moment, we’re mostly just playing one off shows. We have one coming up in Liverpool with xDevourx who are a great Belgian vegan straightedge band and then we’re playing with Faced Out from Spain. Some great UK bands on that show worth checking out as well: No Relief, Ordeal and Vertigo Flowers.

Movement ZineWhat are the media for accessing works from Eternal Rest?

Eternal Rest: Everything is the same. eternalresthc

Our music is on all streaming services, and on Bandcamp, it’s under The Coming Strife Records.

Instagram: eternalresthc

Bandcamp: eternalresthc


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